Awkward - Season 4 Ep. 3 Recap

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Okay, so I have to admit--I really loved this episode. My friend had told me it was boring before I got a chance to watch it, so I was going in it with very low expectations. But this episode was actually pretty good! Let's get on with the recap :)

My Disneyland Adventure! Curses, Final Destination, and Annoying Pirates!

Friday, April 25, 2014

So the reason why I posted the "Amusement Park Must-Haves" post was because I was going to Disneyland this week. I had gone last Decemeber for Christmas, and my God, it was ridiculously crowded! I have a video on my YouTube channel that shows just how insane it was around that time of the year. Luckily, the park wasn't as crowded this time around. But although it wasn't as crowded, we definitely had some problems. Keep on reading to see exactly what I'm talking about. I swear, I think I'm a Disneyland curse.

Awkward - Season 4 Ep. 2 Recap

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The second episode of the new season was on last night, and I have to say, I was so happy it was only half an hour this week. I used to love the hour episodes, but last week was just way too long for me. Anyway, let's get onto the recap!

Awkward - Season 4 Ep. 1 Recap

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Before I start the recap of Tuesday night's episode, I just want you all to know that I'm a huge Awkward fan, and I was surprised how fast I was addicted to the show when I first saw it. It was very different than any other show I have watched, and I think that's why so many people love it. And maybe because there are pretty hot guys on the show, as well.

Last season of Awkward was definitely interesting during the second half of the season, but the first half was pretty dull. And by dull, I mean, I could barely get through the thirty minute episode without feeling the need to change over to Tosh.0 or American Dad. But luckily for MTV and us fans, the second half of the season delivered. And although Jenna made me roll my eyes every time she opened her mouth, I was satisfied with the way the season ended.

Now, let's get on to last night's premiere! This one is going to pretty long since it was an hour instead of thirty minutes!


Monday, April 14, 2014

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! I have wanted to start a blog for the longest, and now I finally found the time to get one up and running. I'm still working out a few bugs and learning how to work this thing, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of things once time goes on. The name "Sugar, Spice, and Diamonds" comes from "Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice". I thought it was a pretty nice name, but I think a lot of things are pretty nice, so...

I'll be sharing a lot of things on this blog, all from beauty and fashion posts to TV Recaps and personal pictures and posts. I can't wait to get started and I hope you all enjoy my posts! :)