Awkward - Season 4 Episode 7 Recap
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Whoa, this episode was actually one of the better ones! My heart ached a little, I laughed, and my dislike of Eva grew to an all-time high. Let's get onto the recap! :)
Awkward - Season 4 Ep. 6 Recap
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
I'm sorry this post is a tad bit late. Fun fact about me: I go to sleep at an embarrassingly early time, so that means I usually watch my shows in the morning on DVR. But today, my entire neighborhood's electricity had to be cut off because...well, actually I have no idea why it was cut off, but we were without power from 9 AM to 7 PM. But anyway, I watched the episode as soon as the power was cut on and now here we are! Let's get started on this recap of a kind of uninteresting episode.
Awkward - Season 4 Ep. 5 Recap
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
I have to say--I had a love/hate relationship with this episode. I absolutely loved Sadie this week, which has pushed her up to my favorite character this season. But I also hated Jenna's story line in this episode. I'm a bit over the cliches and the overall predictability of her actions. But I will continue watching, because just like Pretty Little Liars, I have invested way too much time into this show to just quit. Now let's get onto this recap! :)
Bella's 4th!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
As you all may know, I have a little five pound Shih Tzu, that I love very, very much. Her birthday was on May 2nd, and I decided to do something special for her. Now, I didn't go all crazy and throw a full on birthday party. But I did get her a hat and a little birthday cookie.
I know for some people, this may be a bit excessive. You might think it's just a DOG. And I used to think the same way before I had a dog, but Bella is much more than a dog to me. She's my baby! I know, you're probably rolling your eyes by now. But seriously, most of my friends have kids and they're already popping out baby number two...and we're only 21. So they have their kiddos, and I have my puppy.
Having Bella around has completely changed me as a person. I have no idea what I'd do without this little fur ball. I didn't know it was possible to love an animal so much! :)